FUN-raising Instructions

Instructions for how to use The Boob Ride's FUN-raising tool.

Thank you for being a FUN-raiser for The Boob Ride and Fun 4 Good. Below are the instructions for how to build and manage your FUN-raising campaign.

Signing Up

Apply to become a FUN-raiser here

Fill in all the obvious info.

Nickname is optional, but people may know you in the community by some nick name. Feel free to use this or not.

About/Bio is who you are, not the story behind your FUN-raising efforts. Save that for the Campaign.

Press the Sign-up button and we will adjust some settings on the back-end, authorize your account, and send you an email stating you are good to go. We will typically handle this in 48 hours or less and will send you an email that you can start FUN-raising.

Creating a FUN-raising Campaign

To login into your account go here, or go to the website and select from the menu Sponsors/FUN-raising>FUN-raising Login.

  1. Click on the Add New Campaign button at the top right.
  2. The Description is used on the Support a FUN-Raiser page to hook someone into your story. Think of this as a long headline. Nail this with a brief sentence that hits the point and makes people want to see what you are about. This will only display 20 words.
  3. The Short Description is where you tell your story and will show up under your picture when someone is looking at your Campaign. Both Description sections use a mostly WYSIWYG editor that allows you to stylize the content, change fonts, link to pages, Add Media, embed Youtube. Feel free to be as creative as you want to be. I highly recommend using the predefine Styles. Click on Paragraph and you will see various options that will apply to the entire paragraph.
  4. Featured Image is what will go on the Support a FUN-Raiser page to hook someone into your story. If you do not use a video, then this image will also be used in the detail view of your Campaign as well.
  5. Video can be a link to someplace where you have uploaded a video, like YouTube. If you upload a video, then it will be used on the Campaign detail view instead of the Featured Image. If you have a video, we highly encourage using it here.
  6. Campaign End Method has various options. I recommend Target Date because it gives potential supporters a sense of urgency. It is ok to let the Campaign never end and you keep FUN-raising forever.
  7. Start Date/End Date are what you may think they are! If you select Campaign Never Ends from the previous option, then just leave these blank.
  8. Predefined Pledge Amount is to allow supporters to select an amount of money they want to donate. I recommend 10,25,50,100,250,1000. Just like that with commas and NO SPACES. You can even copy and paste from here, so convenient. The supporter can also select a quantity when they are donating. If they want to donate $750, then they would select $250 and set the quantity to 3.
  9. Contributor Table will show who your supporters are. During check-out, your supporters can override this and remain anonymous.
  10. Contributor Anonymity keeps all your supporters publicly anonymous, but you will still see who they are on your Dashboard. You will also receive an email when someone supports your Campaign.
  11. Submit Campaign for review.
  12. We will review the technical settings and make sure everything is cool. Within 48 hours, your Campaign will be live and we will send you an email that you are ready to go.
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