Targeting Aggressive and Metastatic Breast Cancer Webinar

Targeting Aggressive and Metastatic Breast Cancers (Webinar 1/11/17)

One of the singular most important research topics is metastatic tumors. Since 2006, Komen has invested more than $91 million in nearly 200 research grants that focus on understanding why metastasis occurs and how to treat it. We have a large population of people living with metastatic cancers 10 years after diagnosis. If you want to learn more on "mets", sign up for Komen's webinar below. 

This webinar will be hosted by:

  • Amber Livingston—3-Day Specialist
  • Dr. Jay Desgrosellier—University of California at San Diego
  • Krissa Smith—Senior Manager, Scientific Review

Dr. Jay Desgrosellier is determined to find a piece of the puzzle of what drives tumor cells to metastasize and spread. He is focusing on cells with specific growth characteristics or ‘stem-like’ attributes that allow them to not only survive breaking off from the main tumor but to successfully and aggressively grow in a new area of the body. He believes he has identified a key pathway that leads to cell death that may represent the Achilles’ heel of these ‘stem-like’ breast cancer cells. Discovering how to eliminate these cells by activating that cell death pathway may represent a breakthrough in how to approach aggressive breast cancers.

The webinar will be 30 minutes long and you will have the opportunity to ask questions. Invite your friends, family and donors to participate and learn more about how the money you raise helps support Komen’s mission.

WEBINAR TOPIC: Targeting Aggressive and Metastatic Breast Cancers
DATE: Wednesday, January 11
TIME: 1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. CT

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