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Another first-time sponsor, Diversified Investment Services, is sponsoring the Polka Dot Bra!
Since the beginning, Lexi and Mike Solo have been volunteering for The Boob Ride and this year they leveled-up! Not only are they both volunteering for the ride, but their company is also a sponsor too!
Diversified Investment Services can help you decide how to invest, plan for retirement, estate, or taxes, as well as map out strategies for your business - like shareholder equity and succession. If you are in the market for financial planning, please try out the team at Diversified Investment Services. Diversified Investment Services are located at 180 North Riverview Dr. Suite 220 Anaheim Hills, CA 92808. The phone number is 714-974-4500. The Financial Professionals of Diversified Investment Services are Registered Representatives and Investment Adviser Representatives with/and offer Securities and Advisory Services through Commonwealth Financial Network®.
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A Polka Dot Bra Award?
During Le Tour, jerseys for each category are awarded to the leader of that classification at the end of every stage, and the recipient earns the right to wear it during the following day’s racing. The Polka Dot Bra is modeled after Le Tour de France's King of the Mountain, which is awarded to the cyclist who excels in the mountain stages. The cyclist who wins this title for each stage, gets to wear a white and red polka dot jersey. For The Boob Ride, our "mountainous" stages are the 90 mile routes that go up through the Elfin Forest and then back down to the coast. However, in true Boob Ride fashion, cyclists can campaign for this award regardless of their cycling skills or route. For an overview of all of our awards and their history, click here.