TriClub San Diego is a Big Supporter

The Boob Ride has another big supporter with the TriClub San Diego. We were graciously invited to present our 2015 event at their monthly meeting. Our San Diego specialist, Anna, gave the presentation to over 100 members. Mike Plumb, President of the Triathlon Club of San Diego kept his hands off the bra, but he is […]

Best Young Rider Award

The Best Young Rider award for The Boob Ride is a white training bra. In the Tour de France, the Best Young Rider is awarded for the fastest time by a cyclist who is under 26 years old. They give the jersey out on a daily basis to the person with the lowest amount of […]

Solana Beach Start

The Boob Ride has officially added a start in Solana Beach for the 2015 ride. Over the years we have had many folks from the North San Diego County area join us for the ride and post-ride party. So, we added an official starting event there. The ride will start in the Distillery parking lot at 7:00 […]

The Transformation is Complete

  The Boob Ride has completed our transformation from Biking4Boobs to officially be branded as “The Boob Ride”.  The last five years we ran our operations under the name Biking4Boobs, but as we grew and the event developed it’s own personality, we realized a few things: Someone has a trademark on “Biking4Boobs” and we would eventually […]


For Whom Do You Ride?

Tell us for whom you ride.

Do you ride for your mom, your wife, your sister, your friend, or do you ride because you have been diagnosed with breast cancer? We want to create a place to share stories and to create a community of strength for those who may be struggling with disease.

Please use the comments section to add your story.