TriClub San Diego is a Big Supporter

IMG956499The Boob Ride has another big supporter with the TriClub San Diego. We were graciously invited to present our 2015 event at their monthly meeting. Our San Diego specialist, Anna, gave the presentation to over 100 members.

Mike Plumb, President of the Triathlon Club of San Diego kept his hands off the bra, but he is definitely a big supporter of the cause. This trophy is for “The Most Supportive Club or Organization” and it is a double DD bra with a back-up support bra to hold these babies up. The award is given to the team that brigs the most riders to the event. If you are a member, check with the TriClub of San Diego for special membership sign-up opportunities for you. Follow them on Facebook too.

We look forward to having a big turn-out, and maybe the TriClub San Diego will win the Most Supportive Club or Organization award.

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