Volunteer Meeting for The Boob Ride 2023

Are you ready to give back to the community? Do you need community service credit for school? Do you want to make a difference for breast cancer patients and their families? Come and join the Volunteer Meeting on Saturday March 25th at 3:00 to find out all the ways you can help. Zoom Link We […]

The Fake Boob Ride Logo

The Fake Boob Ride: Implant Edition

As you may know, cancer hasn’t gone away since the Stay-at-Home order. There are still people going through treatment that need support more than ever amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Since we were unable to hold the in-person ride in April 2020, we have created a non-event ride, called The Fake Boob Ride: Implant Edition 2020 which […]

10 Year Anniversary

In 2009 Jennifer Carey did her first Susan G Komen 3 Day Walk for the cure as a way to support her Mom surviving breast cancer. Hitting up all her friends and family for donations went well, but it was a lot of work. Jennifer asked her co-worker, Paul Self, if he thought we could […]

New Bra for King of the Mountain Award

After seven long years, the King of the Mountain award has had a little work done. It wasn’t just a little nip here or tuck there, it was a total overhaul! Our dedicated Boob Rider and reigning King of the Mountain champion, Dickie Fernández, braved the lingerie section at his local Walmart to procure two new bras […]

Dense boobs

I recently had to have a breast MRI done for diagnostic screening. I have the trifecta of bad luck in that I have a history of breast cancer on both sides of my family, I am now 40, and I have dense breasts. Unfortunately, having dense breasts means that regular mammography screening is insufficient for me. […]

The Yellow Bra

The most coveted award in all of cycling is the yellow jersey in the Tour de France. Well, it was until The Boob Ride started awarding the Yellow Bra. This sexy thing is awarded to the person that appears to have arrived first on the D-cup 90 mile route. While The Boob Ride is not […]

In the San Diego Reader

The Boob Ride in Solana Beach is in the San Diego Reader. One of our great volunteers that lives in North San Diego has been working the press for us. Thanks Anna for all the hard work. Here is the link to the article.   [maxbutton id=”11″]  

Benjies Sponsors KOM Trophy

The King of the Mountain (KOM) trophy is sponsored by Benjies, a New York style deli in Tustin. The deli’s owner, Lloyd Weinstein, has supported The Boob Ride every year as a participant. He cannot make the event this year and desperatly wants to have his name on one of the trophies. This is the only way Lloyd […]

TriClub San Diego is a Big Supporter

The Boob Ride has another big supporter with the TriClub San Diego. We were graciously invited to present our 2015 event at their monthly meeting. Our San Diego specialist, Anna, gave the presentation to over 100 members. Mike Plumb, President of the Triathlon Club of San Diego kept his hands off the bra, but he is […]